Friday, November 28, 2008

Contact Sport

Gareth and I just got back to his place after playing a game of American Football in the park with some American and Canadian ex-pats and service men. Gareth had never played the game before but he picked it up quickly. Of course telling him to go deep or block that guy is a lot easier to learn than when he tries to teach me Cricket.

My back, my knees, and my mouth are very sore now. There was one American guy who was playing like he was Brian Urlacher on the Chicago Bears. He was hitting everyone full force. I got kneed in the mouth by him on one running play and got a cut on my mouth. I had to sit out a few plays to stop the bleeding. But I got back in the game, he had the ball thrown to him on a flat pass to the outside. He turned to run down field and I came up on him going full force and just plowed into him and knocked the ball out of his grasp and him back a few yards into the dirt. I heard everyone oohing and awing as I stood up over him. I spit on the ground next to me, looked at him and smiled. I then reached out my hand to help him up and he took it and smiled at me as he got up. Contact sports, I love it! lol

We then went to a pub and played some darts, ate some food and had some beers. Well, I actually had three CC and Coke's. Gareth had one beer since he has to work tonight. We we're fine while we we're still out and moving around. But now that we're home and sitting down we are both stiffening up. We're walking around slow and bent over. I said this is what we're gonna look like when we're old except we'll be wrinkled. He laughed and then held his side in pain. Appears he took a shot to the side. We soaked in a hot bath for awhile but it didn't really help our aches and pains. Gareth is getting his shoes on now and is moaning in pain as he bends to tie them. lol I feel bad for him that he has to work tonight. But then again, we only have one heating pad and it and the couch are calling my name.


  1. Pure evil. You get him all bruised up and then you get to enjoy the couch and the heating pad! hehe

  2. lol, I'm not evil. Ok, maybe a little bit evil. But I'll take care of his body when he gets home around 3am. That body is my playground and I need to make sure the equipment doesn't get broken. lol

  3. You should cover his body in soft velvet kisses.

  4. His body will be covered in something alright!

  5. Ugh, I'm outta here. I'm going shopping. I'll let Ing and Molepunch deal with you.

  6. What? I meant Ben Gay ointment. What did you think I meant you bad girl? I'm shocked and appalled that you're mind is always in the gutter. I thought you were raised better than that. lol

  7. lol.
    and I don't get Cricket either :)

  8. Love this post and these comments.

  9. lol cricket not even the people who play profesionaly get it :D

  10. I have one question for you how are you going to enjoy your playground if your back, knees, and especially that mouth of yours is sore now?? hahahaha

  11. Sure, you meant Ben Gay ointment. haha. It sounds like you had a good time.

  12. When he came home he kissed me and I said ouch and I put my hands on his side as he leaned to kiss me and he said ouch. He sat on the bed and I helped him get his clothes off and gave him the heating pad.
    This morning he's still sleeping and I have to take the boxes we picked up yesterday over to the volunteer place to go to the troops for christmas. Those boxes are heavy and me and my knee are not in the mood for any physical activity.

  13. Yowch, you're definitely way more butch than I. I like sports but I don't like direct competition or contact sports. If I weren't careful I'd take it very personally.

    When I used to take martial arts I refused to spar and prefer to just practice my katas over and over again in a corner.

    Part of me think I'm just a wuss, and part of me worries that I'd go apeshit and hurt the other guy.

    Get better soon AI!

  14. I always check before I spar to see if that person will want to go full force or take it light. I like going full force because then I get experience to know what kind of pain I can handle and if I can do in reality what I practice. I did get mad when that guy tackled me and gave me a bloody mouth just because that wasn't how everyone else was playing. I thought that son of a bitch wants to play rough, we'll play rough. So I just gave him a taste of his own medicine so to speak. One thing I learned about myself over the years is that I can take a punch, so the other person better be ready to take one back.
