Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Park Friend


  1. "Just another squirrel trying to get some nuts"! What? You know you were thinking of it too. :)

  2. ahh... how cute :o)

  3. Ing...squirrels like him too because he is a big nut.

  4. hey, why is everybody in here talking about my nuts? Bad girls! Bad, Bad girls! I innocently post a pic of a squirrel and this is where you take the thread. Corrupting me innocence again!

  5. Jen it so does not surprise me that he is a big nut...hehehe! Can you tell me where he gets these self delusional thoughts that he is innocent? How long has he been suffering? LOL! :P

  6. Innocent my ass! I could tell you stories, let me tell you! But we love him, he has a good heart. He is one of the sweetest men I know. He's got a thing for Asian woman, so not surprised he flirts with you. I'd fix you up with him, but the whole gay thing you know!

  7. "He is one of the sweetest men I know."

    Check is in the mail for writing that. lol

  8. So easily can you be bribed to spill some of the stories? LOL!

    Yea the whole gay thing does put a crimp in the whole setting us up..hehe plus the boyfriend he loves so much..just not my luck! :)
