Monday, October 6, 2008

Night Is Falling

Well night is falling and my co-workers are calling. Time to get some clothes on, put some cologne on, comb my hair, brush my teeth, and fight with my tie! I have to meet everyone for a few drinks in half an hour and then we'll do dinner and talk some business. Time to go back to being serious and professional. It's going to be a long night.


  1. Great photo!

    Bah, I myself really dislike talking business.

  2. Hope you weren't too "charming" or you might find yourself on land again next week..hehehe! I'm just saying!

  3. It was God awful boring and I think someone slipped me a mickey or something. I got really tired. When I got back to my hotel room. I kicked off my shoes and fell on to the bed and passed out. I slept that way for about an hour until I rolled over onto my tie and choked myself, which woke me up quickly. I ripped the tie off, took my shirt off and fell back onto the bed and right back to sleep. I woke up around three am freezing and took my pants off finally and crawled under the covers. This morning I woke up and I have clothes everywhere. I'm going to go lift some weights in the exercise room they have here and then get a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast before I have to meet any of them today.

  4. Poor baby I hope you are better now!

  5. Still stuck in this hotel. Its 5 in the morning and I can't sleep. I need my own bed!

  6. You should be here to read me a bed time story! Just leave the light on when I fall asleep, I get scared. lol
