Monday, October 6, 2008

Morning Wash

So this week I'm stuck in a hotel with a couple others to have more meetings. My boss told me he needs me with him again this week and is counting on me to close the deals because I can charm the socks off the clients. I asked him if I should be offended by that remark and he told me no, he meant it as a compliment. Apparently these clients said some nice things about me and they found me refreshing. Whatever that means. They requested I be there this week for the finalization of the talks.

I spent a couple nights with the clients last week at dinner and I really didn't say much, but I did do a lot of listening and maybe that is what they found refreshing in me, that I actually listened to them. So here I am stuck in a hotel as I get ready for another week of work, late night dinners, and I have to wear more ties this week. Charming my ass.

Top Blogs


  1. The good and the bad of life. You hate wearing ties, but you look so good in them. Face it, this is your curse. Embrace your ties! he he

  2. You're a funny girl Jen. It took me three times to tie this damn thing this morning. Where is Gareth when I need him.

  3. I wanna lick all over you body. You sexy.

  4. Anon, I could've used you 5 minutes ago when I found out my shower was broken and only has cold water. But its too late now, you'll just get me sticky.

  5. Charming you..WTF is your boss talking about! LOL!

  6. Sticky....hahahahahaha

  7. Ing...I know. Damn drunk Irish bastard. lol

  8. You're just a stud, Butch. That's all there is to it. ;)
