Sunday, September 14, 2008

Sunday Walk

After dinner we went for a walk on the green. Even though there was a light rain, it was still a beautiful night and we we're having a nice romantic walk, just the two of us.

On the walk we passed an area where I sat one night in the rain when he was in Africa. That night I was out for a run and became exhausted physically from the run and mentally from feeling lost without him. So that night, I sat down in the rain and just spent some time there missing him before heading home. I mentioned this to him and pointed out the spot next to the big tree.

Before I knew what was happening, he grabbed me by the front of my shirt and pulled me off the walkway and onto the grass towards the tree. I was sort of confused at first wondering what the hell he was doing and before I knew it, he was pushing me up against the tree. In my mind I was thinking, what the hell. As I thought this, I glanced around to see if anyone was watching us. Fortunately, no one was around at the time or they may have thought he was mugging me.

I was sort of stumbling around as he backed me up into the tree. Just as I was about to ask him what was going on, his hand which still held a tight grasp of my shirt, gave me one last shove at the chest and backed me into the tree. I let out an UGH and before I could catch my breath he leaned into me and gave me a very passionate kiss.

After the kiss he told me, "From now on when you remember this spot, I want you to remember this moment instead of the sad one." Or something like that. I was still sort of dazed from it all, so I don't know if he said those exact words, but it was something like that. Now neither one of us is into public displays of affection and we both realized we we're still standing there, face to face, in public, his hand still grasping my shirt just moments after the kiss and him telling me this, when an older couple walked by. They sort of looked at us with some concern on their face. Realizing that he probably does look like he is mugging me, he let go of my shirt, patted me on the chest and backed up a bit and started walking back to the path.

I was able to pry my back out of the tree bark that was dug into my back and after making sure I didn't dislocate a shoulder, I caught up to him on the path and tried to reassemble my shirt back to a normal state of wear as we walked. But his grasp was so firm that my shirt was left with a wrinkled, protruding bump the rest of the night. I probably looked like I had a third nipple. But I have to admit, I will definitely remember this moment next time I jog past that spot. And judging by the way the old couple looked over their shoulders at us, I think we gave them something to talk about at their next shuffle board game.

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  1. Geez, he's rough with you. You need to have him kiss your boo boo's. hehe

  2. Wonderful post. Thanks for sharing this with us. You've made my afternoon.

  3. I gots hard reading this.

  4. That was so sweet! You two are so adorable.

  5. that sounds like a real man for ya there!
    i would be more worried about my third nipple though than my shoulder ><

  6. There's something about him man-handling you that's quite a turn on. He sounds all intense and you seem laid back. When you two collide I bet it's hot and wild.

  7. "After the kiss he told me, "From now on when you remember this spot, I want you to remember this moment instead of the sad one."

    Hah, that's pretty sweet :) I'm usually the rough one but I tend to act silly instead of romantic and my partner knows I like to "ruin" the mood on purpose with a wiseass comment

  8. That's a booful thing.....
    These are the moments you remember
    no matter where life takes you...
