Monday, September 8, 2008

Jude Law - Dunhill

Ok, let me start off by saying I never really got into designer clothes. As far as my fashion sense I am a straight man trapped in a gay mans body. Just give me a pair of jeans, a t-shirt or sweater and I'm good to go. Hell, until a couple months ago I had never bought a pair of designer underwear. But when I look at the Dunhill clothing line, the gay man in me starts to get all willy-nilly and screams like a school girl with excitement at her first period and sends signals to my brain to get out my credit card.
I am seriously considering buying the four items pictured in this post. Maybe not the whole outfits since some are made out of animal skins and even though I know alot of things are, it just seems creepy wearing a dead animals skin.
I'm definately buying the top outfit. That is no long being debating in my mind. I really love that outfit. Not too sure of the suits since I don't really need to have a new suit. The last outfit I like, but I could probably find items like the ones in the picture at a cheaper price from other stores and piece together my own outfit. So I'm not sure yet how far I will take this Dunhill crush, but I am liking their style.


  1. "But when I look at the Dunhill clothing line, the gay man in me starts to get all willy-nilly and screams like a school girl with excitement at her first period and sends signals to my brain to get out my credit card. "


    I'm not one for fashion either. I'm such a failure gay man according to my friends. I prefer jeans and a plain t-shirt. No text no graphics, just a plain gray white or black t-shirt is best.

  2. the image you painted of you screaming like a school girl, classic. we're laughing our asses off at this post.

  3. you're a trip! I'd love to hang with you. Sexy, sweet, funny, and down to earth. You're a classic man.

  4. You'd look damn straight up sexy in that jacket in the bottom pic.
