Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hand In Hand

My man Gareth and I have been talking about buying a house and settling down together and working on a life that a committed couple does. But Ireland has still not passed promised legislation to allow gay couples to marry. Gareth has been torn between the choice of sticking it out in Ireland and hope the legislation is passed in 2009 or we move to a country that allows gay marriage?

We went for a nice walk in the country on Monday afternoon and found a nice secluded place by a creek where we sat for awhile and had a very serious talk about where we want our lives to go from here on out. I told him that I didn't need an official ceremony to declare that I love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him. Now don't get me wrong, I would love to have an official, public ceremony to express the love I have for him and the commitment I am making with him, but I don't need it. But for him it matters. He wants to have the same rights, the same celebration he watched his brother and friends have and I get that too.

After the talk, when we started to walk again, he actually reached over to me and took my hand in his hand. We walked for a long time hand in hand, just enjoying the day and making small talk and having a few laughs. We have never walked hand in hand before in public. Even though we both had a lot on our minds as far as our future, I know as long as we continue to walk through life hand in hand, everything will be alright.

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  1. Is the guy in the first pic the same one as the hunk with the dog in one of your previous posts?

  2. Best wishes to you and your husband:)

  3. Hello from Spain, American Irish;

    It very romantic what you wrote about your love goals and wishes of comminment.Here, in Spain since 2005, we do have same sex marriage.You both could come here to get arried even though your country wouldnt recognized it, here you both would be married.
    Think about it.
    Congratulations for the blog

  4. The UK is an option, isn't it? And they have a bit of it left over up north, so you wouldn't be that far away.

  5. You have the best gay blog ever. I give you a standing ovation.

  6. You always have the perfect music playing to match your blog posts. Between the song and the words you wrote, you touched my heart and I feel like I am right there with you two. So romantic it brings tears to my eyes.

  7. Borg, not sure if I posted my boyfriend with a dog picture before. So unsure.

    Eric, Anon, and Mike, thanks for the nice words.

    Spain and Frank there are several options we are looking into. Spain is actually my first option, he is leaning towards NI or England so he can stay close to his family. But for now we're staying here until spring at least.

    Well, I'm going back to bed. He just got homefrom work and is done with his shower. He has a sore back muscle, so I promised to give him a back massage.

  8. Hmmm, I wouldn't say I'm a supporter of gay marriages--though I'm not here to stir shit up or disagree with anyone.

    If it's that important to Gareth, perhaps moving is worth it after all. You both sound like mature, sensible people, so I'm sure you've talked about everything in a constructive and positive way.

    All the best regardless.

  9. Would you all ever consider coming back to the States since both California and Mass. allow same sex marriage?

    Is the picture above the place where you all had this conversation? It's very beautiful and I really hope things will work out eventually and you all can legally be married one day. Best of luck!

  10. Ing you sexy sweetheart. We have talked about the states and canada, but he didn't say much about that suggestion. I'm hoping Ireland finally passes the law and we won't have to move anyplace. I love Dublin. Its my home now. But of course I would follow him anywhere. As long as they have access to the ocean so I can continue to work at sea.

  11. this is one of the most romantic things i've read. congratulations. i wish you the best of luck!!!! I hope you get to stay in Ireland as the two of you sound so well adjusted and at home and where you are supposed to be. If that makes sense? Again best of luck. And your man sounds soooooo romantic.

  12. This is a beautiful post, the one that inspired me to email you directly. Best wishes to the two of you.

  13. Where's a nice romantic picture of you and your man. We get to read these beautiful words, we should get to see the two beautiful people it is about. Great post.

  14. I talking about this pic (3rd one under the bridge/arch) from this post: link Is that your boyfriend?
