Saturday, September 13, 2008

After The Rain


  1. These are beautiful! Wow I so want to be there!

    Did you take these?

  2. Fuckin' A, that's absolutely beautiful. I miss Nature big time. Used to live right next to the Golden Gate Park and Ocean Beach in San Francisco.

  3. Hello Ing. My friend took these. Let me also say you're very beautiful!!! Thanks for writing.

    Mole...I loved SF. If it didn't have so many earthquakes, I wouldn't mind living there.

  4. It's us talented friends who help make him the man he is. He was a sniveler of a man before he met me.

  5. There aren't any natural disasters here in Singapore, but there is a major lack of Nature. I frankly rather take the risk!

    Also, saw the news on the hurricane... :(

  6. Thanks!

    Does he photo shop them or is this the picture in it's raw form? If that makes any sense. What part of Ireland is this?
