Saturday, August 2, 2008


I just got home, its about 3 am. I checked some emails while I ate some chicken, and had a shower. I'm now going to sleep for hours and hours.

This was a long, rough week at sea and I'm glad to be home. Everyone was fighting with each other on the ship about the best way to get things done and it just got very annoying by the end of the week. I wasn't really involved with the fighting except trying to play peace maker between everyone, but by the end of the week that wore me out. At the end of the week, we got all goals accomplished and there were no hard feelings from those who had arguments.

The crew really is a dysfunctional family in their own way, but its so good to be home. My bed is calling my name and its gonna feel good to sleep in my bed.

Top Blogs


  1. What is going on with your blog. Did you finally pick something you liked? Hey just realized, your online right now. So near, yet so far. I love you.

  2. Sorry if I annoyed you if you were reading my blog. I was changing the style, couldn't decide. I'm tired, so settling on this one. Going to be bed now. Love you back.

  3. now that is a hot picture. I want that.

  4. Love the new blog style. You have the best blog.

  5. wish I had been with you to help you relax a bit ;-)
