Sunday, August 17, 2008

Moon Over Dublin


  1. this is awesome. The moon's out here tonight and it's harvest red like what you see. I thought of your cousin and you when I saw this because he always says if your lonely look up at the moon and know your loved one is under that same moon and you're never really far away from the one you love.

  2. yep, thats where I got it from. I do that when my man is away. He put that in my head too. I often do that with you guys back home. Just a couple weeks ago I was really homesick and looked for the moon, knowing you would see a few hours later, but it wasn't out. I was kind of dissapointed, it was like a connection to back home. lol
    I'm off to work. talk to you soon.

  3. and David, thanks. I hope it's not too hot in Houston this summer. Have a good one.

  4. It's mostly been in the 90's. It's gotten into the 100's a few times. It's also been raining almost everyday.
