Sunday, August 24, 2008

Matthew Mitcham

Matthew Mitcham of Australia, the only out-gay man at the Olympics won the Gold Medal in the 10 metre platform. Way to go Matthew.


  1. way to go matt. Nice to see a gay man can shine among all others.

  2. I was so proud watching him win.

  3. yeah, congratulations, also amazed by his openly gay to Chinese media, well, the journalist is abosolutely blushed.

  4. Yeah! I saw it live in Aus it was amazing and Aus' last medal. Grats to Matt and go Australia :)

  5. Why do gay people have this need to tell every one they are gay? I don't give a toss either way what they do in the bedroom or the local toilet block. Matthew Mitcham is a proud Australian who won a gold medal in diving with the greatest dive of all time. Full stop.
