Thursday, August 14, 2008

Irish Olympic Boxers

Two Irish boxers, Ken Egan, (above) and John Joe Joyce, (below) continue their quest for a Gold Medal at the Beijing Olympics on Thursday. Good to luck to you both. We'll be rooting for you.

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  1. Indeed. (My favorite sport!)

  2. P.S.- Gotta love his green, white, orange mouthpiece.

  3. Hey there. Was browsing blogs on Found yours fun and interesting :D. We should keep in touch!

    Hows Ireland? Never been there. I was watching a soap opera (I never watch those), but it was with gay characters ("Hollyoaks") if you've ever heard. They always talk about going to Dublin. I've always wanted to go there as well...not ONLY for the accent if you were thinking that :P, haha.


  4. Joey...I want one of those Irish mouthpieces too for my martial arts class. lol

  5. and in case anyone is wondering...Ken won his bout, but John lost his. Ken is now in the quarterfinals. Three more wins and he can win the Gold.

  6. Jeff...welcome. Yes, I know Hollyoaks. I have some posts of that show on this blog. You'll love ireland if you come...and the men and the accents. lol

  7. Irish men are sexy and good kissers.

  8. Ken is definately your type. Dark hair, masculine, and Irish. Hope he continues to win for ya.

  9. Yes the Irish squad did very well in the Olympics. Lately Ireland has produced some of the best in the world. Just look at the achievements of Katie Taylor...
