Saturday, August 30, 2008


I watched the Barrack Obama speech this morning. I thought he looked very Presidential, carried himself well, and his speech matched my outlook on where the US is and where it needs to go. Now of course, a speech is still just a speech. Actions speak louder than words. But at least he is talking the talk I want to hear.

McCain picking Sarah Palin to be his running mate is a very desperate move on his part. McCain has been trying to become President for years and has learned how to play the game to get it done. He lost all credibility in attacking Obama for his lack of experience. Yes, he will get some woman voters who would have voted for Obama to now vote for him. But I think a majority of Hillary Clinton's supporters backed her because they believed in her, not because she was a woman. Does McCain really think a woman who has any knowledge of life is going to vote for his ticket that is running on a pro-life stance? Any woman that does is basically throwing away a lot of her rights by choosing that ticket. And I also think he will scare away many in his party who would have voted for him because they are not willing to trust this unknown person with the leadership of their country if something happens to McCain.

America stands at a point in time where in the next four years, three Supreme Court judges could be picked by the next President. If Americans really want change for the better, to include freedoms and full rights for all of its citizens, they have to vote for the Democratic ticket this year. Otherwise the religious conservatives will fill those posts and America will be thrown back 200 years. The religious fanatic's that are trying to control the political agenda, the hate-mongers like Rush Limbaugh who spread hate over the radio airwaves, and the people who wish to take a woman's right to choose away from her and put it in the hands of men in Washington need to be stopped. These radicals in the states are no different than the Muslin fanatic's America is opposing overseas. America is better than these last eight years and I hope Americans are ready to vote and make a change to get America back to not only the land of the brave, but the home of the free.


  1. Someone woke with an attitude today.

  2. McCain is running on fear and hate. All his ads are negative and hateful. You should see how many negative ads he runs over here. I change the channelt he minute he comes on now.

  3. I couldn't agree with you more. If Obama doesn't win in November, this country deserves whatever happens.

  4. Wow, well done. I agree with this 100%. I'm a woman and I will not be supporting McCain just because he chose a woman. I have eyes and I can see through evil.

  5. I sent a Saint Patrick's Day card to someone once that said, "When Saint Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland....I bet he never guessed they'd cross the ocean and become politicians." I never believe any politician. They're all sneaky underhanded liars, including Obama. I will still vote for Obama, though (so far, since the debates are yet to come), because I think his administration would be the better choice for the U.S. right now, for a number of reasons.

  6. P.S. : Don't forget the hate mongers on the Left, too, though. The Huffington Post style atheist liberals, (who also despise anything Irish). They're as scary as Rush Limbaugh on the Right. It's like Hitler versus Stalin, but either way- you just know if either gained full power they'd probably slaughter millions

  7. i don't really know the american politics, but from what i see, they are very passionate, but also very fake, very drama, that't the impression of american in my eyes, once i become citizen of this country,i will defiantelly go to USA, be opened mined, to see what happened there. but bless amecian, buy more stuff from China.hehe
