Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bad Weather

Just got home, about 4 am. We had some rough weather this week at sea and I along with several others have caught sick. I'm coughing alot and burning with fever. I'm taking some medicine and going to bed.


  1. I trust your body is healing as I write this.

  2. seems that you always get a fever, take care.

  3. Heard you're feeling better today. Guess having a doctor as a boyfriend has its benefits. hehe

  4. I always hopefully assume that when we get sick we come out of it having developed all new immunities. (BTW : I was watching different creative past Levis commercials on YouTube. One featured the U2 song "In A Little While". That one almost seems like a perfect one for your song list).

  5. I will have to check that song out Joey.

    thanks to all who left messages, r, emailed, and called me. I am feeling much better. I slept a lot this weekend. I woke up horny this morning, so I know I am feeling better. Now where is my

  6. "...Friday night running, to Sunday on my knees.."

  7. AmerIrish - hahahha, that's when you know the end is near of being sick. LOL - Sebastien

  8. What kind of camera to you use for your pics:
    trad 35mm, 120 roll film or digital?
    the pictures are good quality

  9. The pictures on this site come from several places. Myself, my boyfriend, my friends, the internet. So several different cameras get used. I personally have access to multiple cameras from my work that are high quality digital.

  10. and Johne....yes, gay relationships work and they also fail. Just like straight relationships. I've been in one for a year and a half and hope to be with him for the rest of my life. The reason you see gay love on this site is because that is my life. I love my life.

  11. Yes, if two men are in love, then I guess that is all that matters, regardless of gender. We should not judge or discourage people experiencing this form of same sex relationship.
    A recent autobiography called " Tab Hunter Confidential" describes a famous actor, singer of 1950's America living a pretend heterosexual life, and is a very interesting insight into less accepting times. Johne
