Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Shirt And Tie

I'm attending a conference this week and I have to dress up in a suit and tie. I'm not made to wear suits, I like running around half naked most of the time. My neck is actually feeling a little sore from the shirt collars. The first thing I do when I leave the conference is take the tie off and unbutton my shirt.

The only good thing about it was this morning my man helped me with my tie because I hurt my hand and couldn't do it right. Yes, I hurt my hand again for all those thinking that. This time it wasn't my fault. Yesterday, my man and I were talking to his one girlfriend who is getting divorced and moving away. He was sitting against the back of the couch, she was standing by the doorway and I was standing next to her near the wall. She made some remark about hoping we make it together since she doesn't know anyone who stays together anymore and before I knew what happened he had stood up, wrapped his arms around me waist and squeezed me. He said something about me not going anywhere. It caught me off guard and not only did it knock the wind out of me, ansd scare the crap out of me since I wasn't expecting it, I fell against the wall and my wrist twisted back. So this time it was not my fault, it was his fault and yes, I am playing this one up for all its worth. He made breakfast, he made dinner, he did the laundry and he cleaned the place. He even came in the shower with me tonight (no pun intended) and helped me clean up. I am thinking if this keeps up I am going to throw myself down a flight of stairs. Wonder what I will get out of that from him?

But anyway, it was actually nice feeling him standing behind me, his arms wrapped around me and fixing the tie around my neck. So even though I hate wearing ties and dressing up fancy, it was worth having a wounded hand and wearing a tie for that little moment.

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  1. Aw so sweet. You need to tell him to stop being so rough on you. Although you probably like being man handled. hehe

  2. I survive ocean storms, rock climbing, martial arts, and all the other manly man things I do and yet I get injured from a hug. Go figure.

    My bedtime, past my bedtime actually. Talk to you later Jen.

  3. wowz that's hot.
    so lucky.

  4. Luv the new header, finally see face instead of ass.

  5. When arn't you hurt?

    And yeah, ties and you never really did get along did they? Guess thats why you quit your office job and now work on a ship.

  6. A man and his bike, so hot. You're like a big boy. I find that very sexy.

  7. thanks Jen.

    Mike, no me and ties not good together. I came home today and got undressed and put on my shorts and sneakers and I'm grabbing my bike and going for a ride. Feels good to be naked again. lol

  8. Love the bike picture. Very cool. Glad to see your coming out of your shell.

  9. we've had lots of rain here this year, the crops are going good and everything is green. Hasn't been that hot, we are calling it an irish summer.

  10. vous êtes homme sexy, très sincère à votre coeur

  11. sounds like a nice tender moment between you two. Those are the moments you;ll always remember.
