Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pictures Of Africa

I took off work tomorrow and rented a boat for me and my man. Just the two of us alone at sea to celebrate the Fourth of July Irish style. But now he is getting worried because its supposed to rain and he is afraid of being in bad weather at sea. yes, thats right, the man who got shot at in Africa is afraid of a bit of wee bad weather. Not afraid of a bullet, but afraid of a wave. Since he has this fear, we may reschedule that and do something else instead. I want to go to the Waterford Crystal place where they make all the fine crystals. So if it rains that is what we shall do.

Speaking of Africa, we are finally downloading his videos and pictures of his time in Africa. Some of the pictures are sad and its horrible the conditions over there. But considering there is no oil to be had, they will not get the attention they need.

I was a bit worried about him while he was over there, but after seeing some of these pictures and the hot guys that were guarding them and some of the doctors, I am a little concerned that he may have had a much better time than I thought, at least at night time. lol He asked my friends if I was a good boy while he was gone, but now I'm thinking I should be asking him that question.

But all joking aside, I still feel for all the Irish soldiers still in Africa doing what the UN won't do. May they stay safe during their time there.


  1. Havn't you two spent enough time alone this week? You still want more time alone. What about your friends, we havn't heard from you in days. Put that man down and call us.

  2. lol, shut up! We havn't spent much time together this week. He is covering for a doctor at night and I work days, so we have not seen much of each other. Thats why I was hoping to spend time with just him this weekend and I am going to find a way to do it. Not sure which is worse, him being in Africa and I can't be with him or him being so close by and I can't be with him.

  3. I sense some frustration and maybe blue balls? hehe

  4. I hope you two get to spend some time together this weekend. I love reading your blog and I have come to realize how much you two mean to each other. I've been with my man for thirty years now and I still have feelings for him as you do for your special guy. I wish you both the best.
