Monday, July 28, 2008

I Fell In Love....Again!

Time for me to go to work, I have a ship to catch. I'll be spending the next couple of days at sea, but my mind, my heart will be remembering this weekend. I didn't want this weekend to end. It was a nice romantic weekend alone with my man and I fell in love with him all over again. I never fell out of love with him actually, but sometimes you get into a rut and you start to take what you have for granted because of the busy life your living. But we stopped the running around and took a moment to catch our breaths and rediscover each other. This weekend made me realize, again, why I fell in love with him. Why I continue to love him, and why I hope to love him for the rest of my life.

I really do believe it was fate, my destiny to do everything I did in my life to bring me to this point in time. To the love of my life, to the life I am living so far away from where I was born and raised. To live in this land of my ancestors, of the blood that flows through my veins. I stated many times before in this blog and to my friends that I felt lost for several years. But when I'm in his arms, life is good, I'm at peace and I am home.

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  1. So sweet, you made me cry reading this. Return safe to your guy. I love you lots.

  2. that.......was beautiful.

  3. Good to hear your still happy over there. I miss my friend though. One of us needs to visit the other soon.

  4. how special, so nice to read.

  5. Can't wait to have what you two have now. I'm only 19 so I have lots of time to find the right one.

  6. you two are perfect for each other. I wish nothing but the best for you both.

  7. That combination of being where your supposed to be and when is what makes it all possible. True love is amazing.

  8. thanks everyone for the nice comments.

    And Mike....I miss you, my friend, more than you know.

  9. thats so sweet, two buddies missing each other. The fact that one is straight and one gay is a testiment to your hearts.

  10. I like reading your blog and hearing these stories. It's fantastic to hear gay men so in love and proud.

  11. I heard you had a dream about me last night singing in a bar? What did you eat before bed last night? lol

  12. It wasn't pretty. You had Cher hair and were a lounge singer in some dark bar. I have no idea why I dreamed it. A lot of my friends were in my dreams last night. I blame mike for that because of his comment. And the spicy chicken I ate right before bed. lol

  13. I'm just a random reader who happened to find your blog and I just wanted to say how sweet and lovely this entry is! It really made me happy, and I hope you are still feeling this. You inspired me to believe in love again!

  14. my friend and I found your blog by accident and we both fell in love with it and with you (in a non-stalker way, don't worry!) This post is amazing and made me want to call my boyfriend right away and tell him how much I love him.
    You are awesome!

  15. thanks Brute and nkotb for the nice comments.

    And Brute, yes, I still feel this way. No matter how rough the day, I know everything will be alright when I see him and wrap my arms around him and get lost in him.
