Sunday, July 27, 2008


We saw the Batman movie this weekend. I thought it was the best movie I've seen all year. I think Christian Bale is the best Batman ever. But that aside, Heath Ledger was remarkable in his role as the Joker. I loved when he walked out of the hospital dressed as the female nurse and the walk he had. It was another classic performance by this man who left this world too young. I think he has given two of the best acting performances ever put on film, the first being in Brokeback Mountain. Wherever you are Heath you can be proud of the work you left behind that will be enjoyed and honored by present and future generations for many years to come. You left this world too soon, but your name, your memory, your work shall live on.


  1. heath was a tour-de-force in this movie. very powerful.

  2. RIP Heath. We miss you.

  3. You finally saw it, now we can talk about it. I'm calling you.

  4. Ok. I'm home now at my place. So I'll be here. I'm hungry, but don't want to cook. I could use a supermacs burger.

  5. This movie was really good. I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
