Friday, July 25, 2008

Barrack In Germany

I liked what he said and agreed with his words, especially the part of how Americans and Europeans have come to distrust one another, but in reality need each other and live common lives and have common goals. I'm just not convinced he means what he says. He seems to tell people what they want to hear and I'm not sure how much he will back up his talk if he becomes President. But I do like his approach to the world, one that hasn't been tried for decades, so I am willing to give him my vote and give his words a chance to succeed.

One thing that bothers me is how he played up to the Jewish vote back in America while he was in Israel. He went to the wailing wall and wore a white yarmulke, which is fine. But when he was visiting with Muslims, he did not wear the scarf or visit a mosque. If you want to be a peace negotiator for these two cultures, you need to show you do not favor one side over the other. Now I understand why he didn't wear a Muslim scarf, but its the same reason why he did wear a yarmulke....votes.

Another reason Obama currently has my vote, is that he has stated he wants to repeal the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy for gays in the US military, while McCain wishes to keep the status quo. But I have to wonder if he really means what he says when he seeks changes and more freedoms for gays and lesbians in America or if he was again saying what people wanted to hear because he was going against Hillary Clinton who had great support from gays and lesbians.

The world is ready for a change and I hope he is the man he says he will be to help the world make that change.


  1. Well....he IS a politician, after all. I also liked what he recently said in the U.S. about Americans lacking knowledge of a second language, and it's embarrassing when we get around Europeans who always speak English and...a lot more.////I agree that Europeans and Americans should NOT be at odds with each other. We share too much, both past and present.

  2. Agreed! I supported Hillary in the primary and she has always come off as a more genuine supported of gay rights. One of my favorites from the primaries was Chelsea Clinton going gay bar hoping in Philadelphia, drag queens and all. I do like Obama's more worldly view compared to other POTUS we have had in the past and will definitely be giving him my vote. I can't imagine anything he could do that would convince me to vote for a Republican EVER.

  3. mccain is as old as my grand father. I don't trust my granfather to drive a car, Im not gonna trust mccain to drive the country.

  4. Barrack couldn't wear islamic garb because the Republicans are already doing everything they can to get middle America in a panic by spreading the idea that he is secretly a fundmentalist muslim. Just what the GOP would love: photos of Obama dressed like an imam.

  5. I think I'll vote for him too. But I havn't heard either one say much of anything special. No matter who wins, i don't expect much to change.

  6. Before you vote for the "Emperor's New Clothing".

  7. anonymous before you vote for McCain read Mein Kampf.

    No one reading the blog of a strong proud gay man should be considering voting for any republican EVER.

    If you like what I've said please go to my website at LOL
