Sunday, July 27, 2008

24 Hours In Howth

We went to Howth this weekend, which is a little north of Dublin. Its one of our favorite areas of Ireland. We were able to have a romantic get away and spend some time alone just the two of us this weekend. We had a weekend full of laughs and kissing and it was nice to be able to finally connect again with each other. It was nice to take a moment out of our busy lives and just have this weekend be about us.


  1. Thanks for the shots of Howth. I've been to Dublin at least 12 times and never gotten out there. I must do that.

  2. Its a beautiful place. I feel at peace there.

  3. Nice pictures. Glad to hear you had a good time and spent time together alone.

  4. Reconnecting is always good for a relationship. Everything needs recharged, even love and sex.

  5. More great pictures. Keep up the great blog work.
