Saturday, June 7, 2008

Island Cookout

Today, my boss had a cookout with an Island theme. Everyone brought or made something that came from an island around the world. My favorite was the coconut shrimp and the Hawaiian Wedding Cake. mmm. I wasn't sure how much fun it would be and had even thought about skipping it, but I went and had fun. Everyone was pretty loose and I got to see a fun side of some of the crew I work with that I had never seen before.

Since I have been out all day, I decided to make tonight a night in at home and in keeping with my island theme of the day, I am watching The Bounty with Mel Gibson, when he was hot and a great actor before his melt down, and Pirates Of The Carribean, Johnny Depp is just awesome as Captain Jack. I would have loved to travel the seas like they did back in the day, even with all the harships and dangers. Although I would have been a mutineer on the Bounty with the way that captain acted. I could see it now, me living on a south pacific island, lots of tattoos, living with a little island boy.....


  1. You and authority don't go together well. I can definately vouch that you would have been one of the Bounty mutineers had you been on that ship. But that is one case where they had every right to mutineer.

  2. I love both them mvoies.

  3. dat boy is beauty.

  4. Where is your grass skirt picture?

  5. its almost 100 degrees here today, it feels like the tropics. I could drinka pina coloda.
