Saturday, June 21, 2008

Gay Pride Dublin

The city of Dublin supported Gay Pride week with flags all over the place. It was good to see how Dublin embraces its gay community.

Still waiting on my man to get home. They have a stop over in Switzerland and then they are going to go see the Euro football match today. Not sure who is playing, but now I will have to watch.

He will be getting in early tomorrow. His family and friends have a celebration for his return planned for tomorrow because they thought he would be arriving today. His first day back and I won't get to spend much time alone with him and I have to work on a ship next week and won't see him until late in the week.

Hamish and I are starving, so we are going to go out for some bangers and mash for him and Shepherds Pie for me. MMMM. Everyone have a good evening. Enjoy your weekend.

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