Sunday, June 1, 2008

Friends, Shopping, And The Laundry Incident

Since we had a late night, Hamish, Duncan and his girl, and myself decided we would all just go out and have a brunch and do some shopping today. We had a fun time shopping and we even ran into my mans brother along the way. While he looks similar to him, his voice sounds just like him and as he talked to my flat mate, I just closed my eyes for a few moments and pretended it was man talking and that he was there with me for the moment. Of course when I opened my eyes I was back to reality, but it was nice to feel him close to me for a brief moment.

After shopping, Hamish and Kate went home and my flat mate Duncan went off to work. After feeding my cats, I decided to come over and water my mans plants and check on his place. I had done three loads of laundry last week and since it was late, I left it to dry. When I went to get the laundry to iron today, it was still damp and now smelled mildewed. It had not thoroughly dried! He is going to kick my butt if I ruined all these clothes. I am going to rewash them and dry them completely this time and hope I can save them. I am not good at laundry as I have stated many times in my blog, so if anyone has any tips out there for me to get them smelling good again if washing them again does not work, please email me or leave me a message on what to do.

I've decided to spend the night here at his place. The first time I've spent the night here since he left for Africa. It will be weird sleeping in his bed without him, but no more so than its been in mine. I caught myself glancing over at the door a few times as if he was going to come walking in the door any minute with that look of tiredness on his face that turns into a smile when he sees me. He is scheduled to call me tonight but he still hasn't. So I've decided when he calls I will crawl into his bed, talk to him and then curl up with his pillow and go to sleep and hopefully have a nice dream of him.

Tomorrow, there is no work because of the holiday, but I have my martial arts class. The teacher is going to have us running up a side of a mountain and doing all kinds of endurance activities. The last time we did an endurance routine was on the beach and running in sand killed my legs. I am more suited for the mountains since I grew up in mountains and ran them all my life. So I am hoping I will survive this endurance training better than the last one.


  1. We all just watched the movie "P.S. I Love You" and shortly after the movie started we were saying the two people in the movie were you and your guy. Your guy is obviously the Irish guy in the movie and you are Hillary Swank. hehe We started out laughing about the comparisons, but after the movie got serious when he dies and she is left without him and misses him it reminded me of what you're going through. My point to all this is that I'm hoping you got that phone call tonight and herd his vopice and that you will see each other before you know it.

  2. peace be with you.

  3. great blog, love reading it.

  4. Thanks to all those who emailed me with tips to clean those clothes. They smell good and I was able to save them. Thanks!

  5. I thought you were going to Croke Park to see Westlife?

  6. I sold the tickets to a friend. He two daughters wanted to go so bad and she couldn't get tickets and I felt bad. Its a long story, but I decided to sell them my tickets so they could go. I wanted to go with my man, but he wasn't here so I decided to do a good deed instead. I'll see them again and hopefully this time with Gareth by my side.
