Sunday, June 22, 2008

Feels Like Home


  1. You remind me alot of the boxer guy. I remember the days you had trouble admiting who you are. You've come a long way and I have to say I'm proud of you.

  2. Yes, I can relate to him! That is why I love this show. Sometimes its hard to watch the show because it reminds of feelings I put behind me, or so I thought until I watch him deal with them. I am glad I accept myself now and my life has never been better. I also thank you for always being my friend. I have tears in my eyes thinking of all we went through my friend.

  3. You two having a moment here? he he

  4. Only by loving ourselves can we love someone else. Maybe that is why your life with this guy is so good now, because you learned to love yourself? The world is changing and there is no need to be ashamed of who we are anymore.

  5. I wish you live near me. I would like o be you're friend.

  6. Hi and greetings from NYC! Love your site. What's the name of the television series. HOping I can find past episodes somewhere on-line.

    All the best,

    Mark in NYC
