Friday, June 13, 2008

Coming Home

FINALLY! Happy Dance.............I got this letter from my man.
I am safe and coming home and I CAN'T WAIT!
Our medical mission team will be flying out of here next week in a 10-seat Caravan plane. The time we spent here has been a tiring, sad, challenging, yet ultimately rewarding experience that included taking care of multiple victims of gunshots, advanced leprosy, AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, rapes, malnutrition and so much more. I believe we have managed to make the lives of a few in this sea of many a little better, at least for a moment. There is another team coming in to take our place and I fear this shall be an endless cycle for years to come for this place is in a desperate state. Despite all the hardships these people face, they are still able to smile and their inner strength is something I won't forget.
We suffered nightly frog invasions, flying worms, (yes, worms that fly!) bats and goats at our clinics. There's been terrible mud and concerns about violence that raged at times, just yards away from us. There are no jacks and we used buckets at times for our needs. We had no showers for eight days at a time. The first thing I am doing when I arrive home, next to kissing you, is to linger in a long, hot shower with you in my arms. At night when the day has slowed and I have a moment to myself, I lose myself in thought of you. Knowing I would be coming home to you is what has given me the strength to keep going.
I'll ring you Sunday and am anxious to hear your voice. I love you fella. All my love.


  1. Good to hear. Now you can get laid and get back to your normal happy self.

  2. I'm crying and laughing for you at the same time. This news is a real bright spot in a dismal time. I wish you both the best. Godspeed to him.

  3. I've been a reading your blog and I just had to write that it is good to hear he is coming home and safe and you two will be able to get on with your lives. I look forward to reading what you do in the future.

  4. Happy Dance! I love you.

  5. I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers until he comes home, but its nice to hear he is on his way soon.

  6. gute Nachrichten, kommt er zurück.

  7. I can see you now, smiling from ear to ear and acting like a kid in a candy store. This is good news and I wish you both the best. You should be proud of him.

  8. Thank you everyone for the nice comments and yes Missy I am proud of him.

  9. I jest love how he didn't tell you much of the hardships while he was away, but now that he is coming home is starting to reveal them to you. He didn't want you to worry!

  10. I knew he was keeping things from me, I know him too well. Last time he went and came back it took him awhile to process all he had seen and done and open up about it. So when he comes home I'll just be there to help him heal himself, love him, and help him settle back into this world. When he is ready to open up again, he will and I will be there for him to listen to it all and be there for him in anyway he needs.

  11. I'm glad to hear that he is coming home safe and sound. It's going to be one hell of a reunion!

  12. Honey, I just heard the good news. Sounds like he was in a rough spot. No toilet, no shower, no way. He's a good guy. Take care of him when he comes home and love him lots which I know you will. Hugs, Kisses and all that.

  13. That's got to be one of the sweetest notes I've ever read. Shower...arms...


    You keep this one, you hear me?

  14. Wishing you two the best reunion! Love you both, lots and lots and lots. xoxoxoxo

  15. seeing how you are with each other has made me realize why some woman become fag hags as they are called. Your hearts are in the right place.

  16. Thanks again everyone for the nice comments and yes Buda I hope to keep him if he will keep me. lol
