Hot Chocolate

I love a good hot chocolate drink on a cold rainy day.

The Face Of Sadness

A set of very sad Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) as found in the Irish National Botanic Garden in Dublin, Ireland.

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American Irish Boys

There are over 46 million people of Irish decent living in the United States. The USA has more Irishmen than Ireland itself. Ireland only has a little over 5 million residents. From the moment Patrick Maguire, who was the first man to step ashore of the new world from Christopher Columbus crew, the Irish have been coming to America.

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Crowded Dublin Street

They Have Too Much Guiness Inside

The Black Stuff

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New Underwear

I went shopping yesterday and bought some new underwear. I always buy new underwear every six months and this time I bought some fancy underwear. I normally just buy the normal brand underwear like Hanes or Fruit of the Loom. Everyone always makes comments that I don't have any "Gay" designer underwear. So I bought some yesterday and while they fit nice, I will still take my average Joe underwear.

And in case your wondering, they are boxer briefs, thats all I wear. Boxers are too loose and things move around too much and regular briefs are too restricting. Briefs give you the perfect fit.

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