Sunday, May 11, 2008

Wind That Shakes The Barley

Óró, sé do bheatha 'bhaile - Scríofa ní Pádraig Pearse

A great movie that brings tears to the eyes everytime I watch this movie.

My flat mate got home from work and our friend Hamish is here. So we're sitting here watching this movie and I always cry at the prison part. When it gets to that part, I reach up slowly to wipe a tear from my eye and I glance over to see if they are watching me and if they are going to pick on me for crying when I notice they are both wiping tears from their face as well. So I did what any good friend would do, I started to laugh at them! We all looked at each other, trying to be brave and hide our tears and it caused us to start laughing at each other.

Hamish got up and got each of us a tissue and then we got back into the movie. It was a sweet moment between friends and a reminder of how powerful this film is.

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  1. Feckin fantastic movie.

  2. I'll have to get this movie, it looks good. Irish men are sexy as fuck.

  3. My gran da lived through the time in the movie and says at times he can still smell the gun powder and has vivid memories of the friends and the brother he lost. Watching this movie helped me realize what he went through, what Ireland went through.

  4. awesome movie and can I tell you that you got an awesome ass to boot.

  5. because of your posting, I rented this movie. It was sad and very intense. Thanks for the recommendation. It was a tremendous movie.
