Thursday, May 1, 2008

Reflection Of Time

I was just thinking of how fast this year is going, we're heading into the month of May already. Time just seems to go by faster as an adult than as a child. The days, the years seemed to move very slowly when I was a child growing up. I wonder if that's because we lived in the here and now as children and didn't have the grown up worries and weren't constantly planning for the future. As adults we constantly seem to be planning for a future date and before we realize it that day has come and gone and we move right on to planning something else and counting down the days til that moment arrives.

I was lying on the beach in Ocean City, NJ this week during our stopover in the Philadelphia and New York areas and I was lost for a moment by myself just staring at the waves. In my head I kept thinking about things that jest kept blowing my mind. I grew up in Pennsylvania and I would come to the Jersey beaches for vacations with my friends. Now being back there lying on the beach after living in Ireland for almost two years, I kind of felt like I was visiting a foreign country. Then I started thinking of how I was in Ireland the day before, now I am in the US lying on a beach, my man is in Africa, my cats and my life is back in Ireland, my childhood life and friends are in the next state over and I was just blowing my mind with all these thoughts.

We're in Los Angeles tonight, its a little after 8pm. I'm trying to download some pictures from my trip to my laptop and its taking forever with this connection. The people I am traveling with from work are going out tonight, but I am just going with one of the other guys down to the hotel restaurant tonight for a bite to eat and then I am going to bed to get some sleep. My cousin used to live out here a little bit north of Los Angeles and he sold his house a couple years ago. I drove by the house today and I can my cousin if he reads this, that was a beautiful place and I wish you would have kept it because I would love to crash there tonight instead of the hotel. I don't know if you've been by the place lately, but I think you will be glad you sold it. The place is so commercialized now and the area is full of little developments. They are selling houses out here for close to a million dollars that would only cost about two hundred thousand back East and even less than that in Ireland. I don't see how people can afford to live out here.

We'll be in San Diego tomorrow. I'm hoping to see some hot Navy boys sunning on the beaches. lol Then we head to Washington, DC on Friday and then back to Dublin, Ireland. I can't wait to get home and get in my own bed.


  1. Forget the Navy boys, the Marines are better looking! And this is coming from a former Navy boy. Have fun in DC.

  2. I can only imagine what kind of a sweetie you are, you can just see it in your writing! Do you have a mischievous side? That would be hot too!

  3. This year is going way too fast.
