Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Man, The Myth, The Legend

I saw Iron Man this weekend with a group of friends. Everyone loved the movie, it was better than what I was expecting. Although I think the second movie will be much better since they won't have to spend the whole movie telling you how he came to be Iron Man. None of us were sure Robert Downey Jr was the actor to play this role, but after the movie everyone of us thought he was the perfect fit for the role.

My cousin who is single again, and a big Iron Man fan even managed to find time to come and hang out with us. He arrived in the middle of the night last night and I didn't get much sleep. So me, him, and my flat mate sat at the kitchen table and ate some snacks and talked. It was a real Golden Girls moment. During his visit he gave me the news that he is moving to Australia later this summer. He said that he has finally decided that is where he wants to settle down and start a family and move on with the next part of his life. He signed a new contract with an Australian rugby team to be a coach and said he couldn't be happier about his life right now. Part of me will be sad that he will be that far away since he is the closest family member I have, but another part of me is happy for him and happy to know I have a place to stay when we visit Australia. He is also a big Gary Allan fan and he got me into his music again. My flat mate had never heard of him before but is now a new fan himself. So I have changed my music selections on the blog to Gary Allan in tribute to my cousin for a few days. May he find everything he is looking for in Australia as he begins his new life.

I just talked to my man on the phone, he says he is doing good, but sounds tired. It seems like forever since he has been gone. You would think talking to him and hearing his voice would make things easier, but it actually makes me miss him even more after the phone call ends. I just want to touch him, just touch his hand, just hold his hand in mine. Something simple like that means all the world to me right now. Only a few more weeks until I can go see him and spend a weekend with him.

I am also finally back out of the office and back onto a ship this week. I can't wait to get back to sea. I am going to meet my flat mate at his job and get something to eat for dinner. I could eat a good steak.

Too all my mom friends and my friends moms, Happy Mothers Day.


  1. I can't wait to see this movie. It looks like it is going to be pretty good.

    Tell your cousin I said good luck in Australia and that I wish him luck in the new job. Like you, I hope he finds everything he is looking for down under. He couldn't have picked a better place to settle down.

    David in Houston

  2. David, my cousin was actually talking about you when he was here. He saw some of your comments on my blog and told me to tell you hello. He said he thinks of you and hopes you have found a job you like doing and hopes that things are going better for you.
    He seems excited about Australia. It'll be wierd knowing I am really on my own over here now that he is going there. Even though he didn't live next door, he was a day trip away. But life moves on and I wish him the best. I'll let him know what you said next time I talk to him.

  3. I think he is making a good choice in going there. I think it will be good for him.

  4. If you read this, I love you lots and wish you the best. hugs and kisses.

  5. I finally got to see this movie, it was fantastic.
