Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bike And Other Items

My cousin as I mentioned previously, is moving to Australia in a few months. He has been cleaning out some items of his that he is not taking with him. He gave me a few things he thought I would want or could use and one of them was his bike. I have been thinking of getting a bike for sometime now, but always put it off. Now I have his bike and took it for a ride last weekend. But he had trouble saying goodbye to it and took it for one last ride before turning it over to me. Its funny how boys of all ages get attached to their toys.

It was a great time to ride a bike again and now I can get around town a little faster than my feet can walk me there. It was kind of wierd when I got on the bike, but I soon got used to the feel of it between my legs. (Get your minds out of the gutters, don't tell me your mind didn't just go there for a moment.)

It was fun to ride a bike again and my flat mate told me I came home with the biggest grin on my face. Sometimes as adults we forget how good it was to be a kid.

Top Blogs


  1. Your cousin is here today and we're taking a flight to Detroit to see the Pistons-Celtics game on Thursday night. I've never been to an NBA game before. Shelly is drooling over him right now, he is sleeping in the guest bedroom and she wants to curl up with him. hehe

  2. Yeah, he told me he was meeting you and going to the game. Have fun and remind him to buy me a bad Boys jersey or t-shirt if they sell them.

  3. He's bloody gorgeous.

  4. Opens blog, sees shirtless pictures, faints.

  5. I have to agree with hamish on this. He is gorgeous.

  6. Your cousin cooked out for us tonight and it was the best chicken ever. He knows how to use a grill.

  7. Yeah, he always cooks out. Its his thing. I had a frozen pizza for dinner when I got home from my bike ride. I could eat some chicken right now.

  8. I stopped over to see your cousin today, when you coming to visit?

  9. I think I know him! I saw him play a few times. He is your cousin? I wish him the best in Australia.
