Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Rugby Man

Top Blogs


  1. Ooh, I love him. I love his accent. So sexy.

  2. You remind me,I watched your cousin on the telly the other night given an interview. Tell him to look at the feckin camera next time. He seemed to be doing good, but he looked at the ground the whole time he talked. If I had his looks, I would not be shy.

  3. I'll be seeing my cousin soon, we are going to go see the Iron Man movie together when it comes out. Not sure when that is yet, I need to get in touch with him, but you know how hard that is.

  4. cet homme est très beau.

  5. I was playing on you tube tonight and found some videos of your cousin. Which reminds me, when are you posting the videos you took of our visit? Still waiting!
