Sunday, April 6, 2008

My man is on his way to Africa now. He'll be in Italy sometime later today and yes I am jealous about that. I would love to be in Rome with him, how romantic would that be. But we'll have to plan to do that another time in the future. I am actually handling his leaving better than I did the last time. I was a wreck the last time he left. But today I am ok with it, sort of.

I am going to miss the hell out of him and will think of him almost every minute of the day. But I have more going on this time than I did the last time. Before I just woke up, went to work and sat at my desk all day, then came home and was surrounded by the lonliness. This time while he is gone, I have a new job on the seas that I love and will pass the time away. Plus, I have gone back to working out and have my martial arts classes and I have a couple things planned with some friends in Dublin. Plus I will get to go to Africa this time and visit my man for a weekend. We are in the process of getting everything with that set up. And this time we have a global calling plan and he'll have some access to hook his laptop up and we can chat online sometimes. So it won't be a total cutoff from him like it was the last time.

So I am doing much better than the last time. Although I did do my best Katherine Hepburn impression when I backed him up against the door as we were leaving and blocked his hand from the doorknob and asked him not to go. Even though it didn't work, I did get a really nice passionate kiss from him. I'm really going to miss kissing him, the way he smells, the smile on his face....oh who am I kidding, this sucks. I miss him already.


  1. My shoulder is here is you need me. Kelly is here with me, so you can have two shoulders.

  2. Cousin, come visit me some weekend and we can hang out and help you pass the time. I'm thinking of you.

  3. I don't know you, but reading your blog entries makes me laugh and cry. I look forward to each new posting. You have a big heart and that allows you to not only see the beauty in this world, but also the pain. As your friends always post, I could just hug you.

  4. Je tombe dans l'amour avec vous.

  5. amerikanische Iren, die ich dieses Blog liebe

  6. As Bogie would say, here's looking at you kid. I hope that between your good friends and online friends we can keep you smiling or at least help you through the rough spots. Thinking of you both.
