Saturday, February 16, 2008

My Shoulder Hurts

I hurt my right shoulder today and the pain is keeping me awake tonight. My man tried to rub it, but that hurt. I tried a heating pad, but that didn't help. So we are trying an ice pack right now. Hopefully making it numb will allow me to fall asleep before it thaws back out and the pain comes back. Right now it feels like someone is digging their fingers into the back of my shoulder blade.

We're both so tired right now. I told him to go to bed, but he won't go without me he said while I am in pain. What a sweetie. I think not...he will be using this against me sometime in the near future. He'll want me to do something and he'll bring this up mentioning the time he stayed up til the wee hours of the morning with me and my bad shoulder. It will be guilt trip city. I am on to his game and there is no shame in his game. Just kidding. He is a sweetie.


  1. You know your lucky to have him in your life even though you like to tease about him.

  2. He's a sweetheart. Give him a kiss for me.

  3. My boyfriend does that kind of stuff to me all the time.

  4. What the hell we're you doing now taht you hurt your shoulder?

  5. Great blog today. I hope by now your shoulder is feeling better.
    I think your man is sweet, mine just gives me two asprin and goes to bed.

  6. You two seem to be perfect for each other.

  7. Nice post. I like your writing style.
