Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Springtime In January?

This week it has been warm. Spring like temperatures hovering around 60 degrees during the day. We have the windows of the farm house open and I've even spotted a few bees flying around. Today I am walking around wearing only a pair of shorts. Although I have to get dressed in a few minutes because we are going to the farm show to join up with my friends who are already there with their animals. Yesterday we loaded up the horses up in the trailer and took them to Gettysburg to tour the battlefield by horseback. It was a great time, although my man is a little sore and stiff this morning.

This morning was the first time my man and I had some alone time since we arrived here and I was hoping to have a little fun to start the day. But he is so sore from his horseback riding day that practically everything on him I touched hurt. So I decided to get up and take my friends dog for a long walk in the field. It was actually a nice time to spend some time alone thinking in that field. We came back to the house, I got a nice shower, slipped on some shorts, poured some tea and sat on the porch just listening to the sounds of the country.

The shower water just turned off, which means he is done with his shower. Time for me to get dressed so we can get this day started.

1 comment:

  1. It's freezin cold today. I could use a little spring right now.
