Saturday, January 12, 2008

Laughed Until We Cried

This is my last night in Pennsylvania with my friends. We're going back to Ireland tomorrow. Several of my friends have moved away from this area now and there are not many of the group staying behind. It was great that we we're able to all get together during the week for one last get together. Of course there is the usual talk of lets do this at least once a year. But you all know how that goes.

It was a great visit, much better than the last time I came back to visit. I think that is because this time I was not alone and got to share so much of who I am with my man. But I am ready to go home and by home I mean Ireland. I miss my cats, I miss my room mate, I miss my flat, and I am anxious to start my new job.

Yesterday we took a drive and went to Baltimore, Washington and Virginia. My man loves the states and he even mentioned a few times he could see himself living in the states. Not sure how serious he is about that kind of talk, but at least he is enjoying his trip here. He doesn't want to go back yet. He wants to stay another week. He is already talking about coming back later in the year and taking a trip driving around the country and just seeing the sites.

I am going to get back to the party now. Everyone is telling stories, laughing, crying, and we're definitely eating good. I want to take it all in. But I will do what I always do, take a moment to stand back and watch everyone and remember this moment and as the song I attached says, we're gonna laugh until we cry.


  1. haha. Moved from PA to Ireland here too. I don't miss the states yet and think it'll be a while before i do...

  2. Glad you had a good time in Pennsylvania. It's always good to get home after a trip.


  3. I'm glad you and your man had a good time in Pennsylvania, but it's always good to get back home. Great video and song.


  4. I'm missing everyone being together already.

  5. Everything's changing. Some good, some bad, but it was great to see everyone together again. And I think I fell in love with your man when he was here. What a great guy. Why can't I find a nice man like that? Probably because I need a penis, right? lol All the good ones are gay.
