Friday, January 25, 2008

Just Got Back Home

I just got home from our first voyage on the ocean. It's about three in the morning and I just had a shower. I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open to type this. I am going to bed for what I hope is a long restful sleep. Good night!


  1. Welcome back! Hope all went well.

  2. I've always wanted to say "Welcome home, Sailor," but I always hoped I'd be saying it to some strapping young buck coming through my front door. Eh, this is good enough, I guess.

    When you get all slept/sexed up, let us know how it all went.

  3. Sleepy head, glad you came home safe. Did you have a good sleep?

  4. So you didn't crash the ship? Good job.

  5. Sailors are hot!

  6. you're too cute, glad you're home safe.

  7. budaboy,it will be kind of hard for you to say welcome home sailor when you live in Kansas. Not exactly near the ocean you know!

  8. Yeah, well, there are plenty of sailors in Omaha, believe it or not. Something about patrolling the nation's waterways. I don't understand it either.

  9. I was trying to think of something funny to write, but I can't right now. Its early in the morning and I just got home from the ocean. I can't think, I'm tired and want to go to bed so I will just post a video for you. Hope you remember it.

  10. How could I possibly forget? *hugs* Rest easy, sweet boy. You can tell me something funny later.
