Monday, December 3, 2007

Stille Nacht (Silent Night) German

We just spent the evening getting packages ready to send to troops in the warzones that have no family and won't be expecting anything for Christmas. I know some of them receiving the packages are gay men and woman. It feels good doing something nice for someone without expecting anything in return. Well actually I do expect something in return, I expect a big smile on their face when they get the package and realize they are not alone and that someone out there cares about them.

And if they look like Paul above I will gladly take their boots off, wash their clothes and give them a nice hot bath. I will be sure to get every spot clean. Ouch! I just got punched on my arm by my guy for that last remark. He said that is why he can't take me anywhere. lol

I love Christmas songs sung in German. It always reminds me of the time in the Great War when the Germans, French, and British called a truce on Christmas Eve and came together for that brief moment, not as soldiers, and enemies, but as friends.

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  1. You're such a slut. lol Ok maybe not since you don't actually sleep around, so I will change that to a tease. You should have been a male nurse, I think you would have been great caring for the boys. Oh no I just had a thought of you in nurses uniform. Must think happy thoughts, happy thoughts.

  2. Doing packages for the troops is nice. Does Ireland have troops in the war?

  3. Kelly, no Ireland has no troops in the war. These packages will go to British and American soldiers. I think some Canadians too.

  4. You do realize there is no german being sung in that video?

  5. Yes, I changed the video and forgot to change what I wrote.

  6. I have done the same thing myself, sending packages to troops.
