Monday, December 3, 2007


Can you tell I'm bored tonight? I am posting a lot. I was looking for new songs to download and came across a couple videos. My man is on the phone talking and my roommate just took what I think was a two hour shower. So I figured I would just play on the computer tonight.

Anyone that needs a good laugh needs to go to Budasguy's webpage and check out the model falling video. It is the funniest video I have seen in a long time.

I was out the last few days on a research ship, but the seas were too rough and we had to come in. I have to admit I was a little nervous with the size of the waves. I have never seen waves that big before. But it had it rewards for when I got home my man gave me the biggest squeeze hug ever and a nice big passionate kiss. I think I made him a little nervous too.

Finally he is off the phone and my roommate now squeaky clean is here too. We're gonna have some ice cream, watch a bit of telly and then its bed time for me.

1 comment:

  1. Butch, you know I love ya, but no more bloody Buble! Okay, I feel better now.

    You're a lucky bastard, ya know that? I'm happy for ya. Big hugs!
