Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year 2008

Have a happy and safe New Years Eve.
Here is wishing you a year filled with fun times...
May all your dreams come true in 2008...
For those who are single, may love find you in the new year. For those with a partner, may love continue to grow in your hearts.

To All those we've lost this year, may you rest in peace and know that you will be forever in our thoughts, always in our hearts, and never forgotten.

To my family, my friends, and the man I love Happy New Year. Have a great 2008.

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Saturday, December 29, 2007

Night At The Cottage

My man has been working long hours at the hospital the last few days and we havn't done much together. So today when he was able to get some time off we went to visit some of his family and friends and tonight we are staying in a little cottage in the country.

You can tell no one has stayed in this cottage for some time now as the furniture has an inch of dust on everything. We even had to chop some firewood to get the stove going because the old wood is no longer good to burn. While chopping some wood, I accidentally dropped a log on his foot and now he is walking with a limp and his foot is sore and has a bruise.

After cutting the firewood, he decided he wanted to sit and rest his foot for a moment, so I went to take a shower. I was only in for about 10-15 minutes, but by the time I was done with my shower, all the hot water was gone. Shortly after I started getting dressed in the bedroom, he went to take his shower. I heard the water turn on and then all I heard was cussing. He walked into the bedroom with his towel around his waist giving me a look. I told him I didn't know the hot water was going to run out that fast. Its been about an hour now and he is still waiting for the water to get warm enough for him to get a shower.

While I was in the bathroom getting dressed, I noticed the bedroom smelled musty and old, so I sprayed what I thought was air freshener around the room. But it wasn't air freshener, it was bug spray. I about choked us to death! Now we can't even go in the bedroom. He was looking forward to a good nights sleep and now we may have to sleep in front of the fireplace on the floor.

Because of all this I am on time out. He told me to sit in this chair and not move until he is done with dinner. So I figured I would send one last posting out before something else happens tonight in case the authorities need to know what I was doing in my last hours.

Condoms For The Little Guy

I was out shopping today and found these condoms. Since I am going to be traveling back to the States soon, I thought I would pick some of these up for my friends back home. Ok, maybe not all my friends but I think Mike can use them!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Holidays

Nollaig Shona Duit - or Merry Christmas. The shopping is done, my place is cleaned, the presents are wrapped and it's time for me to settle down for my long winters nap. Who am I kidding. It's Christmas Eve in Ireland. We still have to make some cookies and egg nogg.

Later tonight my room mate is going to have a Christmas party at our place with some of his friends. My man and I are going to stay for a little bit and then head to his place with my cats to spend a quiet, romantic Christmas Eve. After dark we will place a lighted candle in the window (an Irish tradition) and his table will be filled with all kinds of breads, cheeses, puddings, meats, wines, soda, and goodies for those who stop by to visit.

He has never seen the Golden Girls, so after things settle down for the night, I have a couple videos of them to watch on Christmas Eve while we drink some Egg Nogg and wait for Santa to come.

May everyone have a Happy Holiday season.

A Guinness Christmas

Silent Night In Gaelic - Enya in Dublin

The origin of the Christmas carol we know as Silent Night was a poem that was written in 1816 by an Austrian priest called Joseph Mohr. On Christmas Eve in 1818 in the small alpine village called Oberndorf it is reputed that the organ at St. Nicholas Church had broken. Joseph Mohr gave the poem of Silent Night (Stille Nacht) to his friend Franz Xavier Gruber and the melody for Silent Night was composed with this in mind. The music to Silent Night was therefore intended for a guitar and the simple score was finished in time for Midnight Mass. Silent Night is the most famous Christmas carol of all time!

Joyeux Noel- Merry Christmas

Ninety-Three years ago on Christmas Eve along the Western Front during World War One (The Great War), enemy trenches were just a few yards apart, divided by "no man's land. When night fell, the various troops took up singing their favorite carols and ballads, in French, English and German. At first, it was a competition as they tired to drown one another out. But their efforts soon led to applauding each other.

On Christmas Day, the soldiers began a truce. The men met in no man's land and exchanged gifts of tobacco, rum and chocolate. Some even showed off photographs of their family. Some of them played soccer while others buried each other's dead. As Christmas came to a close, they returned to their trenches, and the war resumed for another four years. Many of the men who took part in the Christmas Truce were sent to their deaths in the coming months as each countries governments wanted to set an example of them so this type of behavior would not happen again.

This Christmas Eve, please take a moment to remember those brave soldiers who for one brief moment showed the world what real humanity is.

Here is a letter from an unknown British soldier describing these events.

"This will be the most memorable Christmas I've ever spent or likely to spend: since about tea time yesterday I don't think there's been a shot fired on either side up to now. Last night turned a very clear frost moonlight night, so soon after dusk we had some decent fires going and had a few carols and songs. The Germans commenced by placing lights all along the edge of their trenches and coming over to us — wishing us a Happy Christmas etc. They also gave us a few songs etc. so we had quite a social party. Several of them can speak English very well so we had a few conversations. Some of our chaps went to over to their lines. I think they've all come back bar one from 'E' Co. They no doubt kept him as a souvenir. In spite of our fires etc. it was terribly cold and a job to sleep between look out duties, which are two hours in every six.

First thing this morning it was very foggy. So we stood to arms a little longer than usual. A few of us that were lucky could go to Holy Communion early this morning. It was celebrated in a ruined farm about 500 yds behind us. I unfortunately couldn't go. There must be something in the spirit of Christmas as to day we are all on top of our trenches running about. Whereas other days we have to keep our heads well down. We had breakfast about 8.0 which went down alright especially some cocoa we made. We also had some of the post this morning. I had a parcel from B. G's Lace Dept containing a sweater, smokes, under clothes etc. We also had a card from the Queen, which I am sending back to you to look after please. After breakfast we had a game of football at the back of our trenches! We've had a few Germans over to see us this morning. They also sent a party over to bury a sniper we shot in the week. He was about a 100 yds from our trench. A few of our fellows went out and helped to bury him.

About 10.30 we had a short church parade the morning service etc. held in the trench. How we did sing. 'O come all ye faithful. And While shepherds watched their flocks by night' were the hymns we had. At present we are cooking our Christmas Dinner! so will finish this letter later.

Dinner is over! and well we enjoyed it. Our dinner party started off with fried bacon and dip-bread: followed by hot Xmas Pudding. I had a mascot in my piece. Next item on the menu was muscatels and almonds, oranges, bananas, chocolate etc followed by cocoa and smokes. You can guess we thought of the dinners at home. Just before dinner I had the pleasure of shaking hands with several Germans: a party of them came 1/2way over to us so several of us went out to them. I exchanged one of my balaclavas for a hat. I've also got a button off one of their tunics. We also exchanged smokes etc. and had a decent chat. They say they won't fire tomorrow if we don't so I suppose we shall get a bit of a holiday — perhaps. After exchanging autographs and them wishing us a Happy New Year we departed and came back and had our dinner.

We can hardly believe that we've been firing at them for the last week or two — it all seems so strange. At present its freezing hard and everything is covered with ice…

There are plenty of huge shell holes in front of our trenches, also pieces of shrapnel to be found. I never expected to shake hands with Germans between the firing lines on Christmas Day and I don't suppose you thought of us doing so. So after a fashion we've enjoyed? our Christmas. Hoping you spend a happy time also George Boy as well. How we thought of England during the day. Kind regards to all the neighbours. With much love from Boy."

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Now Or Never

Mark Medlock - Now Or Never

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Burnt Money - Plata Quemada

I love this movie and after watching it last night it is still my favorite gay themed movie. I have this movie in my video collection and my room mate wanted to watch it, so we did. After watching it he came away a fan of the movie too. I've seen the movie about a hundred times now and because of this I didn't really need to pay attention to the movie. I found my mind drifting off to thoughts of a boyfriend I had for four years who comes from Argentina.

This movie always reminds me of him and thoughts of him usually pop into my head when I am watching it. But for some reason, last night was kind of different. I couldn't stop thinking about him, about us and the times we we're together and happy. He was the love of my life until I met the man I am with now and I still love him very much. He worked at the Argentine Embassy in Washington, DC and I met him when I was working at a computer company in DC.

He was one of the kindest, sweetest, gentle, caring, loving men I have ever known. We dated for about four years. I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him. But he wasn't ready to make a commitment. We broke up when he was reassigned back to his home country. He kept the fact that he was gay hidden from his job and family and it would have been impossible to explain me moving down there with him. So he moved and I stayed behind. We tried to make a long distance relationship work, but eventually it ended. But we ended it as friends and I never really got over him.

Thought of him have popped into my head a few times here and there throughout the year, but I was always able to just push them away and go on. But for some reason last night I laid awake in bed thinking of him. Wondering where he is, is he safe, where is he working and living, and is he happy with life and with someone else? I now have the urge to call the last numbers I have for him and see if he will answer. I would love to hear his voice again and catch up on life.

My current guy knows me well and he sensed I was thinking of something after we started watching the movie. He said I just seemed different, so he asked me what was on my mind. I was honest with him and told him and he understood. I wasn't the first person he fell in love with, so he can relate to what I was thinking and feeling. He told me I should call and see if I can reach him. He said he has no problem with that and would not be upset by it. But if I got on a plane and went to Argentina after talking to him, he said that would be my last day on Earth. Ah love is great, if you can't be with the one you love, kill 'em!

Now that morning has arrived and its daylight, I am kind of thinking of not calling and just letting it all pass. I guess I will wait and see how I feel about it later in the day.

Nene & Angel
Uploaded by jief75

A Sexy Music Video of the movie

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Friday, December 21, 2007

Is It Morning Already?

Ya Gotta Be Joking! Where did the night go?

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Dublin Harbour

I always get a rush when I go to the ocean and see the power of the waves and hear the howling of the wind. It gets my blood pumping and inspires me to see if I can conquer the day and what mother nature can throw at a ship. That is definitely something my desk jobs have never provided. I can't wait to start my new job in January.
My man is being really great about my decision even though he has reservations about me doing this because of the dangers involved with being at sea. But since he recently spent three months in war torn Africa, he understands the reason I need to do this.
I have always had a fear of being one of those people who let life continuously pass them by until they are old and wondering what happened to their lives. That fear is something that has always led me to do things I never would have done if I had chosen to live a safe, comfortable life. Things don't always work out the way I think they will, but that's OK, they're not supposed to always work out, but at least I gave it a try. Besides, there would be no thrill to anything if things always worked out.
Time to go to work, two more days left.

Irish Nerds

I met two of these guys through my roommate and he told me about them filming their lives and putting it on You Tube. I could not live in that flat with the mess they have. For anyone that wants to be a voyuer check them out. But if you are looking for anything sexy, don't bother.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Back From London

We've returned from our weekend in London. The city of London is beautiful this time of year, as most cities are when they are decorated for the holidays. We had a great time on our visit. We met my cousin and some of his friends for dinner on Saturday night. I think I ate more the past weekend than I have in a two months combined. My cousins friend made a chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. It was so good I could have ate the whole cake myself!

Last week I quit my job and will be going to work full time for the charter boat and the research team. They offered me a position I could not turn down. I'm still debating about purchasing my own boat, but that is on hold for now. No more sitting behind a desk for me. Although I will still be keeping strange hours. Plus I won't be home every night, so that will take some getting used to. My current boss actually encouraged me to take this job and said if I decide that its not what I wanted I could come back and work for him anytime. This will be my last week of work at my current job. I am taking the last week of the year off and the first few weeks of the new year. I am taking my man to the States for his first visit to see where I was raised and where I come from.