Monday, November 26, 2007

Watching You

Have you ever been in a room full of people, standing at the bar waiting for a drink, everyone is talking and mingling, but as you look around the room, you notice someone watching you? You look away for a moment and then look back and they are still staring at you.
Suddenly your eyes lock with his and before you know it you are paralyzed and can't move. Sort of like a deer in headlights type of thing. Your mind starts to wonder is my zipper down, do I have toilet paper on my shoe, is he looking at something behind me. Just when you are about to crack and yell what the hell are you staring at, they smile at you! A smile so cute and sweet that it breaks down your defenses and you go from being annoyed to intrigued.
You start to wonder is this bloke interested in me, should I go talk to him, should I play hard to get, or what if he is a serial killer and I am his next victim? You suddenly realize your eyes are still locked together and you quickly turn to look in another direction, any direction.
You pretend to be interested in something else, but all the while he is the only thing you can think of. So you allow yourself a small little glance back in his direction to see if he is still watching you. But as you turn back trying not to make eye contact again, you suddenly realize he is gone. Then you start to wonder where did he go, did he loose interest in me, did I seem unapproachable, maybe he was looking at someone behind me. You begin to wonder why you didn't smile back or walk over and say something to him.
You turn back around to the bar to order another drink to wash away another wasted moment in your life when you realize the man that was staring at you is now standing right next to you, a smile bigger than life on his face as he introduces himself and asks you what you are drinking.
Suddenly a smile begins to break across your face as you realize this is not going to be another wasted moment, this was a moment that would lead you to a lifetime of love with this person, or at the very least one less lonely evening.
You never know when love will find you, or lead you to the person you are meant to love in this life. Just remember, not only are you waiting for them to come into your life, they're waiting for you to come into theirs. So keep your eyes open, your heart ready to love, and a smile at the ready.