Thursday, November 22, 2007

Homo For The Holidays

Tonight was very interesting. Thursday, which it has now officially become in Ireland, is Thanksgiving Day. A day when Americans give thanks and eat lots of turkey and filling and pies. Last Thanksgiving sucked because my cousin had gotten hurt and had surgery and I was helping him get better and he lived with a lady I could not stand, so it was not a fun holiday time. This year everything is much better and I decided to do a Thanksgiving dinner and invite some friends and make it a big day.

I talked my man and my roommate into helping me prepare the meal. Neither one of them have ever made a turkey, filling, or a pumpkin pie. Actually, because of this I made them do all the preparation and I just watched and stood around looking pretty and supervising.

Now I wish you guys could have seen those two in the kitchen. My man can stitch up people that are bleeding and wounded, but he got grossed out when he had to stick his hand inside the turkey to pull the stuff out and clean it out. If you could have seen his face. At one point the place got really hot from the fireplace and the oven to the point that they took their shirts off and put aprons on. I can't tell you how sexy that was watching them cook half naked. (My room mate is straight, so no we are not having a threesome for all those wondering!) I took pictures of them and will try to post them tomorrow when I download them from the camera. But I will probably be threatened with death and dismemberment if I do.

Now after their day in the kitchen, everything is ready to go for the feast. The cutest thing is they are both sitting on each end of the couch, enjoying the warmth of the fire, sound asleep. I tried to wake them a few minutes ago to go to their beds and lay down, but they both ignored me and didn't wake. So I threw a blanket over each one.

My cousin is one of the guests coming tomorrow and he asked me to download the new Gary Allen CD for him. I am doing that and posting this and then heading to bed for some sleep myself. Tomorrow will be a long day, but one I am sure will be filled with lots of laughter and good times. My first holiday season with my man and my Dublin friends. At this point in time, life is good.


  1. Sent you a new video. Enjoy.

  2. Just got home from drinking and dancing. Just wanted to check your site out before I went to bed. Miss you, love you. I see you are online now. Call me if you want to. Would love to hear from you.

  3. It doesn't sound like it could get any better. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. You deserve it. Much love from KS.
