Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Circle Is Broken

We had a great time with our turkey dinner on Thursday. The food was good, the flat was filled with several good friends and family. We shared lots of stories, laughter, and good times.

My friends back in the states sent me a video online they taped of them all sharing Thanksgiving one last time as a group together. Two of my friends have taken job offers in different cities and will be moving in January. A married couple that I am friends with are selling their farm and moving to Texas. Another friend is moving to Toronto. My friends have been my family and when I have thought of home, I always think of this group of friends and wonder what they are doing and smile at things I remember about them. So this morning I am feeling sad to know that within a few months, my circle of friends will cease to exist. While we will always be friends, the distance that will separate us will gradually lead everyone to fade from each others lives. I have planned a trip back home in January to spend one last time with everyone before everything changes.


  1. Can't wait to see you.

  2. You coming for the Farm Show week? I am showing some cows this year.
