Monday, October 1, 2007

A Few Days In Germany

I spent the last couple days in Germany for work. The work part of the day was ok, but the non-work part was fantastic. I had a great time and while I was there I was able to set up a meeting with some German friends I met last year when they traveled in the States. They plan to come visit me now in Ireland.

I just got home so I have not downloaded any of the pictures yet to the computer to share. So I'll email some soon and I may post some new ones on here soon.

I'm tired and thirsty. Going to go get something cold to drink, get a shower, and then get to bed. It's a cold night, anybody wanna come with me and snuggle?


  1. Yeah, well no. Not gonna join ya in the bed to snuggle. I"m not gay and the snuggling with someone as hairy as me, just not right. Of course I could treat you as a European woman who doesn't shave her armpits. But then again there is still the penis issue.

  2. It's about 11:00pm tonight. We we're just outside smoking and we saw the moon and thought of you. We we're talking about you, so if your ears were burning just now it was from us. Miss you, loving you lots and lots.
