Friday, August 3, 2007


The reason I have not been posting much on this blog the last couple weeks is because I wanted to spend as much time as possible with my man. His job is sending him overseas and he will be gone at least three months. Although the average time for those sent has been six months or longer and where he is going, I won't be able to go visit.

He leaves Sunday night, so this is the last weekend we will get to spend together. I am trying to hold it together and smile for him, be strong for him and I know he is doing the same for me. But its been hard to keep it together.

Into every life, a little rain must fall. Living in Ireland, that statement can actually be taken literally. Yet, it's how we deal with the rain that determines our future. We are often shaped by the pain in our lives, as much as we are the happy times. I am going to once again be facing life alone. Yeah, I have friends here that will be of some comfort. But it won't be the same as having that special someone at home waiting for me when I get there. To feel his loving embrace and know that no matter how bad the day was, everything is now alright safe in his arms.

See Your Heart, Raise You Mine


  1. I just read the email you sent. He is going to such a dangerous place. I know it's his job and all that, but I definately understand why you are worried. We will keep in and you in our thoughts and prayers and hope he comes home safe to you and his family.

  2. I used to think that would be a fun job, but not I never really thought about having to go to those kind of areas. Will be thinking of you both and a safe and happy return.

  3. my heart goes out to you both.

  4. This video is so you and him. You being the erratic, hyper, volatile one and he being the strong, silent, calming one. You two are each others Ying and Yang.
    I enjoyed meeting him when we came over to visit and I will be keep him in my nightly prayers.
    Love you.

  5. Word of your email is getting around and we are all thinking of you. Miss you, wish I could hug you both. Give him a big kiss for me.

  6. Vous me faites le cri.

  7. Three to six months is not as long as it seems. Just stay busy and the time will go fast.

  8. He is doing a good thing. I now you are worried about him. That is a dangerous place, but he is doing a good thing.

  9. Its a good cause and we started a support group in this area. We are going to set up a fund raiser and we'll keep you informed of our progress so you can send to him and see he has inspired others to make a difference.

  10. Its a good cause, a good thing he does. Stay positive. Love you.

  11. This is you two. You are the geek and he is the stud.
