Thursday, July 19, 2007

Gay Marriage In Ireland

hmm, wonder if I can still wear white?

Launching the newly refurbished Outhouse, Dublin’s lesbian and gay centre, an Taoiseach Bertie Ahern promised to legislate for Civil Partnerships at the earliest possible date.

The Taoiseach visited OUThouse on Monday, July 16 to launch the newly renovated building. During his speech he made special reference to Civil Partnership legislation.

“This Government is committed to full equality of opportunity for all in our society,” he said. “Our Programme for Government reflects this. In particular, we are committed to providing a more supportive and secure legal environment for same-sex couples.

“Taking into account the Options Paper prepared by the Colley Group, and the pending Supreme Court case, we will legislate for Civil Partnerships at the earliest possible date in the lifetime of this Government.”

The Colley Group report recommends that gay couples who want to form a legal partnership are given all the rights and responsibilities that married heterosexuals now enjoy.

Mr Ahern also made special mention of the OUThouse Garda Advice Service, which facilitates the gay community in reporting crime.

“This element of the Garda Community Safety Strategy reflects a wider commitment to listen to community concerns and to meet with gay and lesbian people on their home ground,” he said.

Moncia Hynds, chair of the OUThouse committee welcomed Mr Ahern to OUThouse.

“This is a pivotal time for Irish society, our community and this centre,” she said, “and we are pleased that the Taoiseach has chosen now to pay us an official visit.

“Those involved with OUThouse have demonstrated their capacity for active citizenship and volunteerism; we hope for and anticipate a time when we can all be treated as full citizens and equal members of Irish society.”


  1. Outhouse. Are they serious? Too much country boy left in me not to laugh at that one!

    And you'd probably better stick with ecru. *wink*

    By the by, I had better get an invite when that happens or you'll be losing more than just a shirt!

  2. Oh no, you...white dress....those sexy through my head.....

  3. Well written article.
