Sunday, June 17, 2007

What Irish Gays Want

Technology tops list in gay market research

From the Irish Examiner:

MOBILE phones, computers and concert tickets take precedence over cars among members of the gay community in a survey of their top five purchase intentions for 2007.

More than a third plan to buy a new computer and more than one-in-five intend to purchase high-speed internet access, compared to one-in-five intending to buy a new car this year.

The statistics, contained in “Out Now 2007 GCN Ireland Gay Community Market Report” reflect a strong interest in information technology — particularly surfing the internet — and in the world of entertainment among gays and lesbians.

They also indicate a high level of disposable income and above-average earnings — the average pretax income in the survey was €44,614 compared to a national average of €32,000.

Almost two-in-five members of the gay community are in professional/managerial jobs.

According to Out Now, the international consultants who carried out the survey on behalf of Gay Community News (GCN), the value of the pink pound is underestimated in Ireland.

Chief executive, Ian Johnson, said historically, corporate investment in the Irish gay and lesbian market has been slow.

However, he added: “We expect to see an increase in brands actively developing gay marketing strategies now that brands can see what an opportunity exists, with many gay people meeting the high educated, double income, no kids criteria so highly-prized by most marketers.”

Mr Johnson said there was no longer any stigma from attaching a brand to gay consumers.

“In fact the opposite is now largely true — a brand is seen as leading-edge by developing a gay market affinity.”

The figures were extrapolated from information provided by a GCN readers. The country has a gay/lesbian population of approximately 200,000.

The average GCN reader puts €703 onto credit cards every month; spends €100 on beer, €94 on wine and €59 on spirits during this time.

While the survey shows gays and lesbians are not shy of indulging themselves, it does show quite a few are still reluctant to “come out” at work — only 50% of those surveyed said they can be totally open about their sexuality in the workplace.

Among family and friends, the percentage who are “out” is higher, at 60% and 79% respectively.


  1. Thanks for covering the findings of our new research on the Irish LGBT market.

    You may read more on the issue at
    Out, Proud and Flush With Euro at

    Increased visibility of what makes people similar to - and different from - each other is a good thing we believe to build improved levels of understanding and acceptance.

    Thanks for covering this market research report.

    Ian Johnson, Out Now Consulting.

  2. Ya, I want and have most of what they list.

  3. They forgot to mention porn. We want porn.

  4. I agree with this article.

  5. I also want me a nice house n a family. In the meantime, the toys will do nicely.
