Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Some Dedications

Last weekend at my cousins house, he had a Michael Buble CD in his car. Now, I have heard of Michael Buble, liked his music, but never really check much into it. But today on the way back from Sligo, me mate put the new Michael Buble CD on in the car and we listened to it on the way back. Since two of the most important guys in me life liked his music, I decided to give it more of a listen. I have to say it is really good. So I thought for today I would just make a quick dedication to those two and say thanks for giving me some new music to listen to.

To me mate, thanks for all you do. I want to dance with you to this song some night.....

To me cousin who told me this song reminded him of someone he once cared alot about. Even though he won't admit it, I could tell he is still missing a friend he once loved dearly not too long ago....


  1. I always liked his music. Plus he is really cute.

  2. Aw, your such a romantic. Nice songs.

  3. Ich mag diese Musik.
