Saturday, June 9, 2007

Friday Night Party

Its Friday night, or actually early Saturday morning. We went out for drinks and to some clubs in Dublin tonight. I consumed just enough alcohol combined with not much sleep and me judgement became very clouded. So clouded I even got out on the club dance floor. Something I don't normally do. But it was all good.

After the clubs we came back to me friends place. Some friends came over and we had a little party. The party is winding down now, most of the people have left. Some are hanging on sitting in the kitchen having a gab fest. Someone just played this CD of Daniel Bedingfield and I liked the song and the video is sexy. So I thought I would post it.

After listening to this next song, I am ready for bed. I have been up almost 24 hours and I only had about 5 hours sleep the night before. So I am going to sneak off to get a shower, gather up me cats who are having a sleep over here tonight with me and then curl up in bed and fall asleep. I just finished making a copy of Daniel Bedingfields songs to CD. I am going to go put this CD on in the bedroom and listen to it as I fall asleep. I'll leave whats left of the night and the party to those who had more sleep than me to carry on without me.

To all my friends going out tonight, have fun and be safe. To my friend in Kansas, go Ducks! They did it!


  1. In tribute to Paris Hilton, I have to say, thats hot! lol

  2. You're getting old, can't hang wit the party crowd

  3. how are the kitties doing? Email me.

  4. I love Daniel.

  5. is it friday yet?
