Friday, June 15, 2007

Dublin Pride

And now for a public announcement. Dublin pride is continuing.

Although I don't get into all the Pride events flamboyant atmosphere, I have listed one event below that I will attend.

I can't stand that the flamboyant and the odd are what the media will focus on during pride. Not that I have a problem with people being outrageous and having fun ala Mardi Gras style. What I do have a problem with is that the straight world will only focus on that part of the "gay community" during Pride events. You never see a well dressed gay couple, maybe out with their children, being the center of attention during pride. But you can be sure the most outrageous will be splattered all over the news. Then the straights sitting at home think that is the way all gay men and lesbians behave. You never see or hear straight people comparing themselves to the scenes from Mardi Gras in New Orleans or Spring Break. But show some gay people in the same situation and we immediately get all lumped into that group.

The pride events run until next Sunday. Yippee!
Monday 18th June
Ceremony of Love & Remembrance
Gathering at the Pride memory tree, an informal candle-lit ceremony in remembrance of those we've loved and lost. Originally planted on the 25th June 2001 at the Civic Offices Amphitheatre and subsequently moved to its new home.
Venue: The Millenium Peace Garden, Nicholas Street.
Time: 9.30pm
Admission: Free.