Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back In The States

I am back in the states for a visit. I was able to catch me friends with a surprise return. They all thought I was coming next week for a visit. One of me friends was in on the secret and helped me plan it.

The plan was to surprise me friends at the Celtic Fling and Highland games in Manheim. A friend of ours was playing with his band there during the festival. As me friends sat down to get ready for them to sing, I was able to sneak up and sit one row behind them. As they waited for the show to start, I wore a hat and hid behind a program, while the friend I came there with who was in on the secret met up with them.

I sat and listened to them talking. Part of me wanted to just grab them all and hug them, but the other part was enjoying sitting behind them waiting to surprise them. When our friend came out to set up for their performance, the friend who was in on the secret turned the talk to wishing that I was there with them. Before long, they all started chatting about how much they missed me and how their life had no meaning without me. OK, maybe they didn't say it quite like that, but its me story so I will tell it like I want. lol

I was feeling sorry for them, which is not hard to do if you knew this sorry lot of people I call friends! So I made me precence known. I tapped one friend on the shoulder and asked if he could move his big, fat head. He turned around ready for a rumble and the look on his face was priceless. It took him a moment to register that it was me in front of him and he started to cause a scene. As the others turned to see what the commotion was about, the look on each of their faces was just as priceless. I only wish I could have gotten some photos of their faces, but I was being jostled too much to take a picture.

I thought later on the people around us must have wondered if I was someone that came back from the dead or was a terrorist the way they pounced on me. After all the hugging had subsided, we enjoyed a great show from our friends band. Actually the whole night was great and the Celtic bands that played put on one of the best concerts I have ever seen. At the end during the Ceilidh the bands all came together and sung and danced and the crowd joined in and we all had a great time to start me visit back.

I am still suffering from jet lag, time difference, and late night partying. I've even caught a bit of a cold. So tonight I am just staying at me friends house. Thought I would update the blog before me and a couple friends watch a movie.


  1. U think your cute, now doncha!

  2. Assmunch. I should have known you would do that.

  3. You're a tard, thats why we luv ya!

  4. I'm gonna move away too. Maybe when I come back, all the girls will want to hug me too when I come back. Jealous, yes I am!

  5. You made my week!

  6. I am so excited to see you.

  7. I've missed you. So glad to have you home even if it is for just a week.

  8. Dude, awesome. Great to see ya!

  9. Does your website have to be sooooooo gay? Jest kiddin! luv ya in manly kind of, now sexual, definately not gay, meaning I am straight, kind of way.

    Oh, hell com'ere. Give me some tongue.
